Parish Mission
St. Jerome Walbridge Live Stream
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Mass Times
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 4:30PM at St. Jerome
4:30PM at All Saints Rossford
Sunday: 8:00 & 10:00AM at St. Jerome
8:30am & 11:00am at All Saints Rossford
Daily Mass Schedule:
Monday - 8:15am at All Saints Rossford
Tuesday - 6:00pm at St. Jerome
Wednesday-8:15am at All Saints Rossford
9:00am at St. Jerome
Thursday-8:15am at All Saints Rossford
9:00am at St. Jerome
Friday-8:15am at All Saints Rossford
9:00am at St Jerome
Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30pm-4pm at St. Jerome & All Saints Rossford
Adoration: Every Tuesday 5:00pm-6:00pm at St. Jerome
- Father Scott Woods, Pastor
- Father Michael Bialorucki, Parochial Vicar
- Deacon Michael Michael Sarra, Deacon
- Deacon Bob Pluciniak, Senior Status Deacon
- Chris Buzzelli, Director of Music
- Cynthia Lowell, Ministry Assistant
- Amanda Monnett, Administrative Assistant
- Sr. Tina Petrick, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation
- Shawn Wilkins, Pastoral Associate for Administration
Office Hours
Friday: 8:30AM - 12:30PM
Closed for lunch from 12:30-1:00PM
Phone: 419-666-2857
Register for the Parish
Sign up for Parish Religious Education
Replay Sunday Mass
Sunday 5/25/2024-Pentecost Sunday Rev. Scott Woods
Sunday 5/19/2024-Pentecost Sunday Rev. Michael Bialorucki
Sunday 5/12/2024-7th Sunday of Easter Deacon Paul Nungester
Annual Catholic Appeal
Safe Environment Compliance Audit
The Diocese of Toledo remains committed to ensuring the protection of children and providing a safe environment for all young people. If you have any knowledge of abuse that has been committed by a cleric or by any personnel of the Catholic Church, you are urged to report the abuse to your local police department, Children Services, and to contact the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at (419) 214-4880; or to write to the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 1933 Spielbusch Avenue; Toledo, Ohio 43604.